Have you fallen into this trap? Made yourself feel better by splurging on the expensive jar of skincare?
I know I have! Did you know that the amount you spend on skincare has nothing to do with the quality of the formula? Sad, but true.
Many expensive skincare products out there are nothing but water and wax. You’re just falling for marketing promises and wasting your money. Conversely, there are lots of inexpensive products out there that are beautifully formulated.
In fact, anything that sells itself at a high price as being a miracle worker is nothing more than a disappointment and won’t do anything that a cheaper cream wouldn’t do. Logic says that if these products could have such an effect on your skin, they would be classified as medications.
There’s something to be said for keeping your skincare regime simple. Why bother spending heaps on an expensive body cream when you could literally buy a year’s supply of shea butter or almond oil instead? Bonus: you won’t be filling your skin with chemicals!
We’re not going to knock any brands here on this blog, that’s not our style. However, you can do your research by checking out this great review website. You might be surprised!