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Chocolate Banana Smoothie

chocolate prep for a chocolate-banana smoothie recipe

We have a great chocolate banana smoothy for you! The first time I’d ever really heard of protein shakes was a conversation I’d overheard in high school. Two fellows – one of whom was wearing those Popeye patterned baggy track pants favoured by weight lifters in the late 1980s – talked about the best time to guzzle a shake (after a workout). I didn’t lift weights, so I paid no mind.

Years later, in my adult life, shakes became the thing for everybody. Perhaps it was the age of being on the go and being healthy got mainstream. All of a sudden people I knew were posting about Magic Bullets, Vitamixes, and Ninjas on social media. Shakes have taken over.

So, in homage to those weightlifters I’d overheard so many years ago, I thought it would be fun to throw out an idea for a protein shake that has a little bit of naughtiness mixed in with all the nice. I find indulging a little means less overindulging on the really bad stuff.  (And don’t worry, this shake does not contain raw eggs.)


Choco Mocha Monkey


  • 1 banana

  • 16 oz of whole milk

  • 1 or 2 scoops of your favourite chocolate flavoured protein powder

  • 1 tbsp of cocoa powder

  • 1 tbsp of extra strong espresso (keep a pot in your fridge so you can have this delectable shake every week throughout festive December)