One of the most powerful herbs on the planet is something that can be found on grocery store shelves. Its scientific name is curcuma longa, it’s bright yellow and is often featured in Indian dishes. If you’ve already guessed we’re talking about turmeric, then you might have some inkling of the spice’s powers.
There are plenty studies done on the benefits of turmeric, ranging from aiding in the treatment of pancreatic cancer to delying the onset of diabetes. It is said to have incredible anti-inflamatory and antioxidant properties.
Thus, when it comes to skincare, turmeric is a wonderful addition for those who suffer from psoriasis (it can obstruct the inflammatory enzymes and lower levels of cytonkines that aggravate cells) and acne.
Here are a two simple recipes you can try (as always, we recommend doing a skin test to make sure there are no allergic reactions):
Turmeric for psoriasis
½ teaspoon of powered turmeric
Add water until a paste forms
Apply a thin layer to the skin lesions
Cover with some breathable fabric (such as cheesecloth) and leave it on overnight
Rinse off with warm water in the morning
Turmeric for acne
1 teaspoon of powered turmeric
3 tablespoons of milk (we like grass-fed)
2 tablespoons of flour (for thickening)
4 drops of honey
Mix ingredients until blended and apply a thin layer on your face.
Allow to dry for 20 minutes
Rinse off with warm water and apply your favourite moisterizer
We use turmeric in our Citrus Soleil and Seaweed and Coffee Scrub.