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The Blog

Sustainable Fashion is Here to Stay

Let’s talk about sustainable fashion. You may be thinking waitaminute, what does this have to do with Sealuxe? A lot, as it turns out. We believe in using natural and...

Pregnant Skin Care Tips

She has that pregnancy glow… Maybe she does and that’s great! But maybe, like many others, you definitely do not. You’re pregnant and, all of a sudden, your skin is...

How to Read Ingredients on Skincare Labels

Jklmnehjyjkejdd5kl;smkfjgkjkekd – that’s basically what I used to see when I look at the ingredients of your typical beauty product label. What is it? Is it okay that I’m putting...

10 Toxic Skincare Ingredients to Avoid

Taking care of your skin goes beyond merely looking good – skincare means taking care of our largest organ. Skin is responsible for several functions. It protects other vital organs,...

The Pandemic of Ocean Pollution and their sustainable masks. Regular readers of Sealuxe’s blog know we’re not only passionate about natural skincare, but also the state of the world’s oceans. We have written about...

What is Eucalyptus Oil Good For?

We all recognize the scent but what is eucalyptus oil good for? The oil that comes from the Australian eucalyptus tree is used for a wide variety of purposes. It...

Blue Light and Your Skin

Working remotely is the new reality for many. While earning a living from home has so many benefits, it has translated into waaaaaay more screen time than before. Those face-to-face...