You may have noticed that many vitamin E is in skincare products.
There’s a good reason for this. Vitamin E is a tireless fighter of free radicals (a result of environmental stressors such as air pollution and too much exposure to the sun’s rays that weaken the skin’s elasticity).
Vitamin E should be in your skincare routine because it is also an anti-inflammatory as well as an excellent ingredient for moisturizing and healing your skin by using facial oils or moisturizers by way of delivery. It is great for most skin types although those with supersensitive or acne-prone skin will want to exercise caution by doing a simple patch test before using it all over your face. ( It is rare to have a reaction to it as it is a naturally occurring component of healthy skin but just keep it in mind.)
Vitamin E can be synthetically or naturally derived. You can tell on a product’s label by the prefix: the ‘d’ means it’s natural while ‘dl’ means it is created from synthetics. As an example: d-alpha-tocopherol acetate and dl-alpha-tocopherol (tocopherol is the fancy word for vitamin E).
Since vitamin E is fat-soluble, it has the ability to penetrate deep into your skin to preserve lipids (fats) in your face all the while healing your skin barrier. Think of your skin barrier as being a roof to your house; if it has cracks it wreaks havoc. Vitamin C is so powerful that it can actually close the cracks in your skin to prevent moisture from escaping.
You may have also heard it is also great for skin brightening. This is true! Especially when vitamin E teams up with vitamin C. While vitamin E sinks deep, vitamin C stays on the surface of your skin. Together, they are a powerhouse!
Sealuxe’s brand new facial oils contain vitamin E. Check out Nourish (dry or dull skin) or Balance (sensitive skin) for two excellent sources.
We hope you see huge benefits to adding vitamin E into your skincare routine!